VISUALIZAR_GOOGLE_MAPS=Click to view in Google Maps FECHAR_GOOGLE_MAPS=Close REQUISITOS_SISTEMA=System requirements REQUISITOS_TRANSMISSAO=Know what the prerequisites are for watching the broadcast. WEBINAR_OFERECIDO=This webinar is offered by: TRANSMISSAO_DE_EVENTOS=Event Broadcast and Webinar DIAS=Day(s) HORAS=Hour(s) MINUTOS=Min. SEGUNDOS=Sec. INICIA_EM=The webinar starts at: INSCREVA_SE=Subscribe INSCREVA_SE_DEPOIS=Fill out the information to access AGUARDE_INICIO=The broadcast has not yet begun. WEBINAR_JA_COMECOU=This webinar has started! WEBINAR_JA_TERMINOU=This webinar is now finished! WEBINAR_AOVIVO_JA_TERMINOU=This Live webinar is now finished. Watch the recording FORM_NOME=Name FORM_EMAIL=E-mail FORM_SENHA=Password OBRIGATORIO=Required ENVIAR=Submit COMPRAR=Buy EMAIL_CADASTRADO=Your_registration_has_been_successfully_completed._Check_your_inbox. EMAIL_JA_CADASTRADO=Your_email_has_already_been_registered_in_this_webinar._Check_your_inbox. ERRO_AO_LOGAR=Error while logging in or registering user LOGIN_INVALIDO=Login_or_password_invalid AO_VIVO=LIVE PROBLEMAS=Problems? PERGUNTAS=Questions? EXPANDIR=Expand PATROCINIO=Partners PERGUNTE_AO_APRESENTADOR=Q & A ENVIE_SUAS_PERGUNTAS=Send your questions to the speaker. The questions will be answered at the end of the webinar. ENVIAR_PERGUNTA=Send a Question NOME_COMPLETO=Enter your Full Name E_MAIL=Enter your Email ESCREVA_SUA_PERGUNTA=Write your question SAIBA_COMO_ASSISTIR=Learn how to watch PERGUNTA_ENVIADA=Question submitted successfully! QUALIDADE=Quality GRAVADO=Recording DESEJA_SAIR=Do you really want to leave this webinar? ERRO_TENTE_NOVAMENTE=Error! Please try again or ERRO_TENTE_NOVAMENTE_LINK=speak to the support FECHAR=Close CARREGANDO=Loading SAIR=Logout SESSAO_FINALIZADA=session_ended E_USUARIO_OFFLINE=User_offline TITULO_SUPORTE=Suporte TEXT_SUPORTE=To facilitate and especially expedite your service, please provide us with some information before sending your message. LABEL_ASSUNTO=Subject: LABEL_NOME=Name: LABEL_EMAIL=Email: LABEL_MENSAGEM=Message: TEXT_VALIDACAO=Please fill in the field [CAMPO] TEXT_VALIDACAO_EMAIL=The [CAMPO] field must contain a valid email address MSG_SUCESSO_SUPORTE=Thanks for contacting us. A member of our team will check your submission and respond as soon as possible. MSG_SEM_STREAMING=Sorry, but this webinar is not broadcasting right now or there is some block in your network. MSG_INICIO_TENTATIVA=Retrying in [SEGUNDOS] MSG_FIM_TENTATIVA=seconds FULLSCREEN=Full Screen DESCONECTADO_WEBINAR=Apparently this user is already watching this broadcast. Make sure it is not already open with it in some tab or browser. TXT_EMAIL_RECONEXAO=If you are not watching the broadcast, click on the button below and we will send a new link to the registered email, make sure that the message did not enter your email as SPAM or Junk. MENSAGEM_TOKEN_ASSISTIR=An email with access instructions has been sent. Check your inbox. TIT_DIGITE_TOKEN=Enter your Access Token ENTRAR=Join TOKEN_INVALIDO=Invalid Token PAGAMENTO_REALIZADO=Payment made successfully! CLIQUE_PARA_CONTINUAR=Click here to continue DE=of A=to WEBINAR_AO_VIVO=Live Webinar LINK_DE_ACESSO=Access Link: PAGAMENTO_JA_REALIZADO=Your payment has already been made.
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